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A member registered Nov 03, 2019

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why can't I just buy the game off itch?

while yes tyrannt22 shouldve read the tags...not always do games list every last tag the game falls under

wanting to know if trans folk are in this game is not being 'woke' and not always do games list every last tag the game falls under

now OC working on a separate project i wasnt aware of but interesting to know...are they only on patreon or on itch as well

that still didnt answer the question...question was is it a 1 and done purchase or does one need to keep paying

there's no guarantee of that...i know plenty other folks workin on projects taking long time...most peeps on itch are independent working on games as a thing for fun so you cant say for certain it was abandoned less the creator has stated they abandoned it

(1 edit)

occasionally relationship and attachment rolls back without doing anything...we're talkin goin from 2-300 and dropping down to 65

not bad but i would like ability to play as a female

is it possible to do everything with emily without having to seemingly going full tilt one way or the other?

ok odd when i tried to download specifically 1.45 from here keeps trying to get me to download .65 so ill try again here but if not ill try one of the other area

is the only way to access v1.45 to pay on itch?

excellent thank presently broke but ill do that in near futur

ok fair enough and final question do i need to continually pay $10 to be able to update it

so is the $15 tier the ONLY way to get NSFW version

i know where and how i can currently get nsfw version however i wondering if and when nsfw version was going to be added to itch

if I remember it was the desktop app...I save everything to collections and then download from collections normally 

thank you mofu and lipstor...guess its first time encountering this which is odd considering how many different unity games i play including vrchat but ill keep this in mind

i just had avast flag and quarantine this game after this most recent update any suggestions other than the obvious of get something better than avast

need not allowing install (cannot find version)

it's not even enough to be called a prototype

how frequent do you update the game? also you really should have more filled out before updating games good so far but really needs more sexual deeds